Arcos flat machines for polishing and grinding. Ideal solutions for the surface finishing of slabs or flat elements of various width and length. Arcos flatbed machines offer well-designed solutions to considerably increase the productivity of flat elements with simple geometric characteristics. Like all Arcos automatic machines, the flat machines are characterized by great sturdiness, reliability, ease of use and use of cutting-edge technology.
Case Studies for Flat Grinding Machines

Multi-head flat machine
This flat machine allows for grinding and polishing of slabs of various width and length.
Machine with 2 expandable heads. Each head has the following characteristics:
• 5.5 KW motor
• Abrasive belt development: 2500 mm
• Maximum belt width: 200 mm
• Water processing
• Cooling unit for pumping and filtration
• CNC controlled material removal adjustment, with incremental adaptation
• Touch screen mobile pushbutton panel
• Loading: advancement by conveyor belt